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(2013年3月 平成24年版に改訂 金森国臣)

新訂・最新軍事用語集 英和対訳』(2019年1月刊)を出版しています。出版社は日外アソシエーツ、総発売元は紀伊國屋書店です。

海上自衛隊 Maritime Self-Defense Force (MSDF)


海上幕僚監部 Maritime Staff Office (MSO)

海上幕僚長 Chief of Staff, Maritime Self-Defense Force

海上幕僚副長 Vice Chief of Staff, Maritime Self-Defense Force

各部(長) (Director General of) _____ Department

各副部長 Deputy Director General of _____ Department

各課(長) (Director of) _____ Division

各調整官 (Deputy Director of) _____ Division

各班(長) (Chief of) _____ Section

総務部 Administration Department

総務課 Administration Division

経理課 Finance Division

監査課 Audit Division

人事教育部 Personnel and Education Department

人事計画課 Personnel Planning Division

補任課 Assignment Division

厚生課 Welfare Division

援護業務課 Outplacement Assistance Division

教育課 Education Division

防衛部 Operations and Plans Department

防衛課 Plans and Programs Division

装備体系課 Systems Programs Division

運用支援課 Operations Support Division

施設課 Facilities Division

指揮通信情報部 C4I Department

指揮通信課 C4I Systems Division

情報課 Intelligence Division

装備部 Logistics Department

装備需品課 Logistics Planning and Supplies Division

艦船課 Ships Division

航空機課 Aircraft Division

武器課 Weapons Division

技術部 Engineering Department

技術課 Engineering Division

監察官 Inspector General

総括副監察官 Assistant Inspector General

首席法務官 Legal Affairs General

法務室長 Director of Legal Office

首席会計監査官 Auditor General

会計監査室長 Director of Auditing Office

首席衛生官 Surgeon General and Director of Medicine

衛生企画室長 Director of Medical Planning Office


自衛艦隊(司令官) (Commander in Chief,) Self-Defense Fleet

自衛艦隊幕僚長 Chief of Staff, Commander in Chief Self-Defense Fleet

護衛艦隊(司令官) (Commander,) Fleet Escort Force

護衛艦隊幕僚長 Chief of Staff, Commander Fleet Escort Force

護衛隊群(司令) (Commander,) Escort Flotilla _____

護衛隊群首席幕僚 Chief Staff Officer, Commander Escort Flotilla _____

護衛隊(司令) (Commander,) Escort Division _____

海上訓練指導隊群(司令) (Commander,) Fleet Training Command

海上訓練指導隊群首席幕僚 Chief Staff Officer, Commander Fleet Training Command

海上訓練指導隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Fleet Training Group

誘導武器教育訓練隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Missile System Training Center

輸送隊(司令) (Commander,) Landing Ship Division _____

エアクッション艦隊(長) (Officer in Charge,) Landing Craft Air Cushioned Unit

輸送艇隊(司令) (Commander,) Landing Craft Division _____

海上補給隊(司令) (Commander,) Replenishment-at-Sea Squadron _____

海上訓練支援隊(司令) (Commander,) Drone Support Squadron _____ 

航空集団(司令官) (Commander,) Fleet Air Force

航空集団幕僚長 Chief of Staff, Commander Fleet Air Force

航空群(司令) (Commander,) Fleet Air Wing _____

航空群首席幕僚 Chief Staff Officer, Commander Fleet Air Wing _____

航空隊(甲)(司令)(VP) (Commanding Officer,) Air Patrol Squadron _____

航空隊(甲)(司令)(HS) (Commanding Officer,) Air ASW Helicopter Squadron _____

航空隊(甲)(司令)(HM) (Commanding Officer,) Mine Countermeasures Helicopter Squadron _____

航空隊(甲)(司令)(61空) (Commanding Officer,) Air Service Squadron 61

航空隊(甲)(司令)(71空) (Commanding Officer,) Air Rescue Squadron 71

航空隊(乙)(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Air Station

航空隊(丙)(司令)(51空) (Commanding Officer,) Air Development Squadron 51

航空隊(丁)(司令)(81空) (Commanding Officer,) Air Reconnaissance Squadron 81

航空隊(戊)(司令)(91空) (Commanding Officer,) Air Training Support Squadron 91

本部(航空隊以外の本部も同じ) Head Office

航空分遣隊(隊長) (Commanding Officer,) Helicopter Rescue Detachment

航空派遣隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Auxiliary Air Facility _____

整備補給隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Maintenance and Supply Squadron

標的機整備隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Drone Maintenance Squadron

航空基地隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Air Station _____

連絡所 Liaison Office

航空管制隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Air Control Service Group

機動施設隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Mobile Construction Group

潜水艦隊(司令官) (Commander,) Fleet Submarine Force

潜水艦隊幕僚長 Chief of Staff, Commander Fleet Submarine Force

潜水隊群(司令) (Commander,) Submarine Flotilla _____

潜水隊群首席幕僚 Chief Staff Officer, Commander Submarine Flotilla _____

潜水隊(司令) (Commander,) Submarine Division _____

第1練習潜水隊(司令) (Commander,) Training Submarine Division 1

潜水艦教育訓練隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Submarine Training Center _____

潜水艦教育訓練分遣隊(長) (Commanding Officer,) Submarine Training Detachment

潜水艦基地隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Submarine Base _____

掃海隊群(司令) (Commander,) Mine Warfare Force

掃海隊群幕僚長 Chief of Staff, Commander Mine Warfare Force

掃海隊(司令) (Commander,) Minesweeper Division _____

掃海隊業務支援隊(司令) (Commander,) Mine Warfare Support Center _____

掃海業務支援分遣隊(長) (Commanding Officer,) Mine Warfare Support Detachment

情報業務群(司令) (Commander,) Fleet Intelligence Command

情報業務群首席幕僚 Chief Staff Officer, Commander Fleet Intelligence Command

作戦情報支援隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Operational Intelligence Center

基礎情報支援隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Basic Intelligence Center

電子情報支援隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Electronic Intelligence Center

海洋業務群(司令) (Commander,) Oceanographic Command

海洋業務群首席幕僚 Chief Staff Officer, Commander Oceanographic Command

対潜資料隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Anti-Submarine Warfare Center

気象資料管理隊(長) (Commanding Officer,) Weather Service Unit

海洋観測所(長) (Commanding Officer,) Oceanographic Observation

開発隊群(司令) (Commander,) Fleet Research and Development Command

指揮通信開発隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) C4I Systems Center

艦艇開発隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Surface Systems Center

航空プログラム開発隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Air-Systems Programming Center

試験所(長) (Commanding Officer,) Test and Measurement Station _____

特別警備隊(隊長) (Commanding Officer,) Special Boarding Unit

地方隊 ____ District

地方総監部 Headquarters ____ District

地方総監 Commandant, _____ District

地方総監部幕僚長 Chief of Staff, Commandant _____ District

管理部(長) (Director of) Administration Department

援護業務課(長) (Head of) Employment Assistance Division

防衛部(長) (Director of) Operations and Plans Department

第1幕僚室 Staff Office N-1

第1幕僚室長 Assistant Chief of Staff for Administration

第2幕僚室 Staff Office N-2

第2幕僚室長 Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence

第3幕僚室 Staff Office N-3

第3幕僚室長 Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations

第4幕僚室 Staff Office N-4

第4幕僚室長 Assistant Chief of Staff for Logistics

第5幕僚室 Staff Office N-5

第5幕僚室長 Assistant Chief of Staff for Communications and Electronics

経理部(長) (Director of) Accounts Department

契約課(長) (Head of) Contract Division

原価監査官 Cost Audit Officer

技術補給監理官 Engineering and Supply Advisory Officer

衛生監理官 Medical Advisory Officer


輸送隊(司令) (Commander,) Landing Ship Division _____

基地隊(司令) (Commander,) Sub Area Activity _____

基地分遣隊 Base Facility _____

磁気測定所 Degaussing Range Station _____

警備所 Guard Post _____

連絡所 Liaison Office _____

教育隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Recruit Training Center ____

警備隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Area Guard Group _____

水中処分隊 Explosive Ordnance Disposal Unit _____

警備所 Guard Post _____

基地分遣隊 Base Facility _____

防備隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Coastal Defense Group _____

警備所 Guard Post ____

ミサイル艇隊 Patrol Guided Missile Boat Division _____

弾薬整備補給所(長) (Commanding Officer,) Ammunition Maintenance and Supply Facility _____

造修補給所(長) (Commanding Officer,) Repair and Supply Facility _____

貯油所(長) (Commanding Officer,) Petroleum Terminal _____

消磁所(長) (Commanding Officer,) Deperming Station _____

磁気測定所(長) (Commanding Officer,) Degaussing Range Station _____

基地業務隊(司令) (Commanding Officer) Base Service Activity _____

補充部 Receiving Center _____

基地業務分遣隊 Base Service Facility ____

衛生隊(長) (Commanding Officer,) Medical Service Unit _____

航空修理隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Air Repair Squadron _____

教育航空集団(司令官) (Commander,) Air Training Command

教育航空集団幕僚長 Chief of Staff, Commander Air Training Command

教育航空群(司令) (Commander,) Air Training Group _____

教育航空群首席幕僚 Chief Staff Officer, Commander Air Training Group ____

教育航空隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Air Training Squadron

練習艦隊(司令官) (Commander,) Training Squadron

練習艦隊首席幕僚 Chief Staff Officer, Commander Training Squadron

練習隊(司令) (Commander,) Training Division _____

システム通信隊群(司令) (Commander,) Communications Command

システム通信隊群首席幕僚 Chief Staff Officer, Commander Communications Command

中央システム通信隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Communications Master Station _____

移動通信隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Mobile Communications Group

システム通信隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Communications Station _____

保全監査隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Communications Security Group

システム通信分遣隊(長) (Commanding Officer,) Communications Center

保全監査分遣隊(長) (Commanding Officer,) Communications Security Detachment

海上自衛隊警務隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) MSDF Criminal Investigation Command

地方警務隊(長) (Commanding Officer,) _____ District Shore Police Unit

警務分遣隊長 (Officer in Charge,) _____ Detachment, _____ District Criminal Investigation Command

海上自衛隊潜水医学実験隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) MSDF Undersea Medical Center

印刷補給隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) Print Supply Unit

音楽隊(長) (Commanding Officer,) MSDF Band _____

東京音楽隊(長) (Commanding Officer,) MSDF Band Tokyo

海上自衛隊東京業務隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) MSDF Service Activity, Tokyo

海上自衛隊幹部学校(長) (President,) MSDF Staff College

 副校長 Vice President, MSDF Staff College

 総務課(長) (Head of) Administration Division

 計画課(長) (Head of) Planning Division

 会計課(長) (Head of) Accounting Division

 資料課(長) (Head of) Educational Material Division

 教育部(長) (Director of) Education Department

 研究部(長) (Director of) Research Department

海上自衛隊幹部候補生学校(長) (Superintendent,) MSDF Officer Candidate School

 副校長 Deputy Superintendent, MSDF Officer Candidate School

 学生隊(長) (Chief of) Students Corps


海上自衛隊第1術科学校(長) (Superintendent,) MSDF 1st Service School

 副校長 Deputy Superintendent, MSDF 1st Service School

 総務部(長) (Director of) Administration Department

 教務部(長) (Director of) Educational Affairs Department

 教育第 _____ 部(長) (Director of) Education Department _____


海上自衛隊第2術科学校(長) (Superintendent) MSDF 2nd Service School

海上自衛隊第3術科学校(長) (Superintendent) MSDF 3rd Service School

海上自衛隊第4術科学校(長) (Superintendent) MSDF 4th Service School


海上自衛隊補給本部(長) (Commander,) MSDF Maritime Materiel Command

海上自衛隊補給本部(長) (Commander,) MSDF Maritime Materiel Command

 副本部長 Vice Commander, MSDF Maritime Materiel Command

 管理部(長) (Director of) Administration Department

 装備計画部(長) (Director of) Systems Planning Department

 情報処理部(長) (Director of) Data Processing Department

 艦船部(長) (Director of) Ships Department

 航空機部(長) (Director of) Aircraft Department

 武器部(長) (Director of) Weapons Department

 需品部(長) (Director of) Supplies Department

 会計監査官 Auditor

海上自衛隊艦船補給処(長) (Commanding Officer,) MSDF Ship Supply Depot

海上自衛隊航空補給処(長) (Commanding Officer,) MSDF Air Supply Depot

海上自衛隊下総支処(長) (Commanding Officer,) Shimofusa Sub Depot

自衛隊病院(長) (Director of) SDF Hospital _____


自衛艦 Self Defense Ship

警備艦 Combatant Ship

機動艦艇 Combatant Ship

護衛艦 Destroyer

護衛艦(DD) Destroyer

護衛艦(DE) Destroyer Escort

潜水艦 Submarine

練習潜水艦 Training Submarine

機雷艦艇 Mine Warfare Ship

掃海艦 Minesweeper Ocean

掃海艇 Minesweeper Coastal

掃海管制艇 Minesweeping Controller

掃海母艦 Minesweeper Tender

哨戒艦艇 Patrol Combatant Craft

ミサイル艇 Patrol Guided Missile Boat

輸送艦艇 Amphibious Ship Vessel

輸送艦(LST) Landing Ship Tank (LST)

輸送艦(LSU) Landing Ship Utility (LSU)

輸送艇 Landing Craft Utility

エアクッション艇 Landing Craft Air Cushioned

補助艦 Auxiliary Ship

補助艦艇 Auxiliary Ship

練習艦 Training Ship

訓練支援艦 Training Support Ship

多用途支援艦 Auxiliary Multipurpose Ship

海洋観測艦 Oceanographic Research Ship

音響測定艦 Ocean Surveillance Ship

砕氷艦 Ice Breaker

敷設艦 Cable Repairing Ship

潜水艦救難艦 Submarine Rescue Ship

潜水艦救難母艦 Submarine Rescue Tender

試験艦 Experimental Ship

補給艦 Underway Replenishment Ship

補給艦(AOE) Fast Combat Support Ship

補給艦(AO) Oiler

特務艦 Service Ship

特務艇(ASU) Service Utility Ship

特務艦(ATSS) Training Submarine

特務艇 Service Craft

特務艇(ASU) Service Utility

特務艇(ASY) Service Yacht


各部(長) (Director of) _____ Department → (Director General of) _____ Department

各副部長 Deputy Director of _____ Department → Deputy Director General of _____ Department

各課(長) (Head of) _____ Division → (Director of) _____ Division

各調整官 (Deputy Director of) _____ Division (新規追加)

監理部 Administration Department → 総務部

援護業務課 Employment Assistance Division → Outplacement Assistance Division

装備体系課 Systems Program Division → Systems Programs Division

運用支援課 Operations Support Division (新規追加)

指揮通信情報部 C4I Department (新規追加)

調査部 Intelligence Department → 情報部

装備課 Logistics Planning Division → 装備需品課 Logistics Planning and Supplies Division

需品課 Supplies Division → 装備需品課 Logistics Planning and Supplies Division

技術課 Engineering Division (新規追加)

法務室長 Director of Legal Office (新規追加)

首席会計監査官 Auditor General (新規追加)

会計監査室長 Director of Auditing Office (新規追加)

衛生企画室長 Director of Medical Planning Office (新規追加)

輸送隊(司令) (Commander,) Landing Ship Division _____ (新規追加)

エアクッション艦隊(長) (Officer in Charge,) Landing Craft Air Cushioned Unit (新規追加)

輸送艇隊(司令) (Commander,) Landing Craft Division _____ (新規追加)

海上補給隊(司令) (Commander,) Replenishment-at-Sea Squadron _____ (新規追加)

海上訓練支援隊(司令) (Commander,) Drone Support Squadron _____ (新規追加)

航空分遣隊(隊長) (Commanding Officer,) Air Patrol Helicopter Detachment → Helicopter Rescue Detachment

海上自衛隊警務隊(司令) (Commanding Officer,) MSDF Shore Police Command → (Commanding Officer,) MSDF Criminal Investigation Command

警務分遣隊長 (Officer in Charge,) Shore Police Detachment → (Officer in Charge,) _____ Detachment, _____ District Criminal Investigation Command

音楽隊(長) (Band Master,) MSDF Band _____ → (Commanding Officer,) MSDF Band _____

東京音楽隊(長) (Commanding Officer,) MSDF Band Tokyo (新規追加)

海上自衛隊補給本部(長) (Commander,) MSDF Maritime Materiel Command (新規追加)

 副本部長 Vice Commander, MSDF Maritime Materiel Command (新規追加)

 管理部(長) (Director of) Administration Department (新規追加)

 装備計画部(長) (Director of) Systems Planning Department (新規追加)

 情報処理部(長) (Director of) Data Processing Department (新規追加)

 艦船部(長) (Director of) Ships Department (新規追加)

 航空機部(長) (Director of) Aircraft Department (新規追加)

 武器部(長) (Director of) Weapons Department (新規追加)

 需品部(長) (Director of) Supplies Department (新規追加)

 会計監査官 Auditor (新規追加)

警備艦 Combatant Ship (新規追加)

機動艦艇 Combatant Ship (新規追加)

護衛艦(DD) Destroyer (新規追加)

護衛艦(DE) Destroyer Escort (新規追加)

試験艦 Auxiliary Ship Experiment (Test Service Ship) → Experimental Ship

補給艦(AO) Oiler (新規追加)

エアクッション艇 Landing Craft Air Cushioned (新規追加)

補助艦 Auxiliary Ship (新規追加)

補助艦艇 Auxiliary Ship (新規追加)


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