Bibliographic Data

This glossary covers the list of military terms. This is the largest English-Japanese/Japanese-English
military glossary in the world now. It includes 38,000 English-Japanese
terms and 39,000 Japanese-English terms. See sample list below in detail.
- Title: Military Term 40000 ("Saishin Eiwa/Waei Gunji Yogoshu")
- No. of Pages: 1,020
- Book Size: A5 (Boxed)
- Editor: KANEMORI Kuniomi
- Publisher: Nichigai Associates, Inc. (Japan)
- Price: 8,800 yen
- Publication Date: Feb. 2007
- ISBN 978-4-8169-2011-0
The new edition "Military Terms" is published. (2019/03/01)
This is the bilingual dictionary including 38,000 English-Japanese and
39,000 Japanese-English military terms.
The difference in translation by organizations, such as US Forces, British
Forces, Japan Self-Defense Forces (Ground, Maritime and Air), is also specified.
As well as military terms, even if it is a generic term, the term of a thing with the translation which specialized in military affairs is recorded widely.
When a translation changes with organizations by which the same word is
also used, its organization name is written down complementarily.
About the Editor
Kuniomi Kanemori is a translator and terminographer. His specialties are
computers, Internet and military. He is also co-editor of "Computer
& Information-and-Telecommunications Encyclopedia", "Glossary
of Information Technology", "Internet Dictionary", "DTP
Dictionary" etc. He is living in Onomichi-city, Hiroshima-ken.
Brief Description
It can be said that compilation of this huge English-Japanese/Japanese-English
bilingual glossary was attained by both information disclosure system and
Internet. All the recorded terms are due to public information. The information
acquired from formal websites is added to complement the data which came
to hand using the disclosure system. This is an aggregation of glossaries,
and, so to speak, has become a kind of "joint glossary." For
verification work, Google which is a search engine site of the Internet
was mainly utilized. Probably, publication of such a military glossary
is the first.
The term collection of the necessity for translation was the start of developing
this glossary. No basic knowledge over military terms was also harder and
it was confused even by the difference from generic terms at first. Typical
ones are "geigeki" - "yogeki" (interception) and "patoriotto"
- "petoriotto" (Patriot), etc. An expression peculiar to the
Japan Self-Defense Forces greatly got confused, and even if it has imagined
somehow that "escort vessel" is "destroyer", by the
time it turned out that "observation helicopter" is seemingly
"reconnaissance helicopter", it has required time. It has been
afflicted by the difference in notation and concept by each Self-Defense
Forces (Ground, Maritime and Air).
Although it was having begun as a means solving this for myself, if the terms were arranged and offered, it thought that it would be useful to other people, and decided to distribute by electronic media (PDF format). And, this stopped at an editor's eyes and resulted in this publication.
The "Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA)" led by Armed Forces
of the United States has had influence in various area. Join operations
of forces is also the one, and if it sees in the viewpoint of military
term, it will be thought to reach "sharing of information." In
order for each Service to act in one, the required information must be
shared timely. I'm also an outsider, and although this cannot but imagine,
I hear that personnel concerned with ground, maritime and air will do simultaneously
the monitoring of the computer screen which displays the same contents.
There, the coordinated terms with a common concept must be used, and then
the necessity for a "joint glossary" like this book arises.
In addition, finally it may have to refuse. The bill about the elevation
to the Department of Defense from the Defense Agency passed the Parliament
in the echelon in which editing work came to a close. Although correspondence
is carried out within limits to understand, it is still in the echelon
before the enforcement of the bill, and there is also an indefinite point.
I am pleased if you can understand some situations.
How to Buy
Please Order the publisher (Nichigai Associates, Inc.) directly or buy
from Amazon (Japanese site).
If the Japanese text is garbled, you can confirm with the PDF file (Military Glossary).
(1) English-Japanese Part
identification code (ID) 識別コード
identification friend or foe (IFF) = identification, friend or foe
identification function (IF) 識別処理機能
identification list (IL) 識別資料表
identification maneuver 識別行動
identification number 認識番号
identification officer (IDO) 識別係幹部《バッジ用語》
identification of friend or foe (IFF) 敵味方識別、敵味方識別装置
identification panel 隊号布板
identification pass (ID pass) 識別接敵、IDパス
identification plate 認識票、識別票
identification point (IP) 識別点
identification safety range 識別安全距離
identification signal (1)【陸自】識別符号 (2)【海自】標識信号
identification tag 認識票
identification technician (IDT) 識別技術員《バッジ用語》
identification tone 局識別音
identification turn (ID turn) (1)アイデンティフィケーション・ターン
identified flying object (IFO) 確認飛行物体
identified secondary address coding (I/SAC) 個別第2次アドレスコード
identify 識別する
identify-pulse 識別パルス
ideological war イデオロギー戦争、思想戦争
ID history IDヒストリー《ペトリオット用語》
idle (1)【空自】緩速回転 (2)【海自】アイドル、最小連続回転数
idle adjustment plate 緩速調整板
idle control valve アイドル・コントロール弁
idle current アイドル電流
idle gear 遊び歯車
idle message アイドル・メッセージ《バッジ用語》
idle pulley 遊び車
idle time (1)アイドル時間、遊び時間 (2)待ち時間
idle valve 微速弁
idle wheel 遊び車
idling 緩速運転
idling condition 緩速状態《ガスタービンの》
idling control valve 緩速混合気制御弁
idling jet 緩速噴霧口
idling system 緩速装置
idling tube 無負荷運動用管
ID mode 識別モード《ペトリオット用語》
ID turn アイデンティフィケーション・ターン
ID weight IDウェイト《ペトリオット用語》
Ie Jima Auxiliary Airfield 伊江島補助飛行場《沖縄》
IFF Condition IFFコンディション
IFF evaluation (IFF EVAL) IFF評価《ペトリオット用語》
IFF interrogator IFFインテロゲータ、質問機
if the situation permits 状況が許せば
igloo 覆土式弾薬庫、ドーム型弾薬庫
ignitability 点火性
igniter (1)【空自】点火装置 (2)【海自】点火器、点火棒、点火部、点火薬
igniter plug 点火栓(てんかせん)
igniting charge 点火薬
ignition 点火
ignition charge 点火薬
ignition coil 点火コイル
ignition harness 点火ケーブル
ignition lag 点火遅れ、発火遅れ
ignition mixture 点火薬
ignition plug (1)点火プラグ (2)【空自】点火栓
ignition point 発火温度
ignition switch 点火スイッチ
ignition system 点火系統
ignition timing 発火時間調整、発火期調整
ignition timing check 点火時期点検
Iioka Branch 【日】飯岡支所
illegal action reason code (IARC)
illegal activity 非合法活動
illegal air activity 不法航空活動
illegal entry 不法入国
illegal operations 不法行動
illuminant 照明剤
illuminated 照明下の
illuminated attack 照明攻撃
illuminated night attack 照明夜間攻撃
illuminated sight イルミネーテッド・サイト
illuminating fire 照明射撃
illuminating projectile 照明弾
illuminating shell 照明弾
illumination (1)照明 (2)【海自】電灯艦飾
illumination curve 照度曲線
illumination fire 照明弾射撃
illumination photometer 照度計
illumination shell 落下傘式投下照明弾
illuminator 照明器
illuminometer 照度計
illustrated parts break down (IPB) (1)構成部品図 (2)【海自】図入り部品表
ILS descend path ILS降下パス
ILS reference point ILS基準点
image 映像
image antenna 影像アンテナ
image dissector tube 解像管
image format 画像形式
image frequency 影像周波数
image impedance 影像インピーダンス
image infra-red (IIR) 赤外線映像
image intelligence (IMINT) 映像情報《IMINT = イミント》
image motion compensation = image-motion compensation 移動像修正
image orthicon イメージ・オルシコン
image pickup tube 撮像管
(2) Japanese-English Part
途上縦隊 route column【陸自】
徒渉場 fordable area
渡渉深度《車両の最大》 fording depth
渡渉能力 fordability
徒渉不可能な unfordable
National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS)【米】
度数分布 frequency distribution
トースカン (1)scribing block (2)surface gauge
トス爆撃 toss bombing【空自・海自】
塗装 (1)coating (2)painting
トータル・システム total system
とたん板 galvanizing steel sheet
トーチ torch blow-pipe
トーチカ pillbox
トーチ点火器 torch igniter
特科火力 artillery fire【陸自】
特科基本教練 artillery drill【陸自】
突角部 salient
特科群 artillery group【陸自】
特科項目 artillery subparagraph【陸自】
特科射撃 artillery fire【陸自】
特科射撃観測者 artillery observer【陸自】
特科射撃場 artillery range【陸自】
特科情報 artillery intelligence【陸自】
特科情報通報 artillery intelligence bulletin【陸自】
特科測量 artillery survey【陸自】
特科大隊 artillery battalion【陸自】
特科大隊群 artillery battalion group【陸自】
特科大隊本部 Battalion Headquarter【陸自】
特科団 (1)Artillery Brigade
◇用例 : 1st Artillery Brigade = 第1特科団【陸自】
(2)field artillery brigade【陸自】
特科中隊 battery【陸自】
特科中隊長 battery commander【陸自】
特科中隊長随行班 battery commander’s party【陸自】
特科中隊用捕捉レーダー battery acquisition radar (BAR)【陸自】
特科別紙 artillery annex【陸自】
特科用地図 artillery map【陸自】
特科連隊 (1)Artillery Regiment
◇用例 : 11th Artillery Regiment = 11特科連隊【陸自】
(2)Field Artillery Regiment【陸自】
特記事項 special features (SPCL FEAT)
特級砲手 expert gunner
突極機 salient-pole machine
突極性 saliency
特許・商標局 Patent and Trademark Office【米】
Patent and Trademark Depository Library Program (PTDLP)【米】
特許庁 Patent Office【日】
ドック dock
ドッグ dog
ドック係長 dock chief
ドック型揚陸艦 dock landing ship【海自】
ドック型揚陸輸送艦 amphibious transport, dock《艦種記号 : LPD》
ドック底 dock-floor
ドッグファイト dogfight
ドック方式 dock method
ドック門 dock gate
ドック料 (1)dock-dues (2)dockage
突撃 (1)assault (2)charge rush
突撃距離 assaulting distance【陸自】
突撃訓練場 assault course
突撃支援射撃 (1)assault support fire【陸自】
(2)supporting fire for assault
突撃射撃 (1)advancing fire (2)assault fire (3)marching fire
突撃銃 assault rifle ◇用例 : M-16 assault rifle = M-16突撃銃
突撃する assault
突撃専用部隊 shock troops
突撃隊 shock troops
突撃段階《地上戦闘》 assault phase
突撃渡河 assault crossing
突撃破砕射撃 final protective fire
突撃破砕線 final protective line (FPL)【陸自】
突撃部隊 (1)assault echelon【陸自】 (2)assault force
突撃部隊随伴補給品 assault supplies
突撃砲 assault gun
突撃発起位置 assault position (AP)
特攻攻撃 suicide attack
独航船 independent【海自】
独航船航路 independent route
独航分離船 independent leaver
とっさ攻撃 urgent attack
突出目標 relief feature
凸すみ肉溶接 convex fillet weld
突破 (1)breakthrough《⇔ turning movement = 迂回》 (2)penetration
突破口 breach
突破口を形成する rupture
突破口の拡大 widening
突破口の拡大をする widen the gap
突破口の形成 rupture
突破する (1)break through (2)penetrate
突発事故 catastrophic failure
突破の段階 phases of penetration
突風 (1)gust (2)gusty wind
突風荷重 gust load
突風前線 gust front
突風風胴 gust tunnel
トップスル topsail
トップスル・スクーナー topsail schooner
ドップラー効果 Doppler effect
ドップラー航法 Doppler navigation
ドップラー航法装置 Doppler navigation system
ドップラー・シフト Doppler shift
ドップラー・ソナー Doppler sonar
ドップラー方探 Doppler direction finder
ドップラー・レーダー Doppler radar
独歩患者 (1)ambulant patient (2)ambulatory patient
凸レンズ convex lens
土手 (1)embankment (2)fill
ドナー・アラート Donor Alert[the 〜]《支援国への警報》
ドナー不純物 donor impurities
飛び越し jump transfer
飛び越し走査法 interlacing method
door emergency release cylinder
どぶづけ dip brazing
土木課 Civil Engineering Division
◇用例 : 土木課長 = Director, Civil Engineering Division【防衛省】
トポグラフィック・シェーディング topographic shading
トポグラフィック・ノイズ・ストリッビング topographic noise stripping (TNS)
徒歩行進 foot march
徒歩縦隊 foot column
徒歩偵察 foot reconnaissance
徒歩伝令 foot messenger
徒歩部隊 foot troops
トマホーク《巡航ミサイル名》 Tomahawk【米】
トマホーク艦載巡航ミサイル Tomahawk SLCM【米】
トマホーク巡航ミサイル Tomahawk cruise missile【米】
トマホーク対艦ミサイル Tomahawk Anti-Ship Missile (TASM)【米】
トマホーク対地攻撃ミサイル Tomahawk Land Attack Missile (TLAN)【米】
トマホーク・ミサイル Tomahawk missile【米】
止まり側 not go end
止まりゲージ not go gauge
トミーガン tommy gun《Thompson submachine gun =
トンプソン (トムソン)式小型機関銃の俗称》
ドーム型弾薬庫 igloo
トムキャット《戦闘機名》 Tomcat【米】
トムソン式小型機関銃 Thompson submachine gun
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