31. Then the figure of O-Sono suddenly outlined itself in front of the
31. すると突然お園の姿が箪笥の前にボーツとあらはれた
32. Her face had a wistful look; and she kept her eyes fixed upon the tansu.
32. 女は悲しげな顔をして箪笥の上にじつと目をつけてゐた
33. The priest uttered the holy formula prescribed in such cases, and then,
addressing the figure by the kaimyo of O Sono, said.
33. 和尚はかゝる場合にとて作られたるお経を誦して、さてお園の戒名によつて幽霊の姿に呼びかけて云ふ様
34. "I have come here in order to help you.
34. 「私はお前を助ける爲に茲へ來たのだ
35. Perhaps in that tansu there is something about which you have reason
to feel anxious.
35. 多分其箪笥の中にお前が心配に思ふわけのある物が何か這入つてゐるのだろう
36. Shall I try to find it for you?"
36. 私がお前の爲に見出してあげませうか」
37. The shadow appeared to give assent by a slight motion of the head.
37. 幽霊は頭をかすかに動かして同意する様に見えた
38. And the priest, rising, opened the top drawer. It was empty.
38. そこで和尚は立ちあがつて一番上の抽斗を開けた、空である
39. Successively he opened the second, the third, and the fourth drawer;
-- he searched carefully behind them and beneath them; -- he carefully
examined the interior of the chest. He found nothing.
39. 続いて第二第三第四の抽斗を開け、抽斗の後や下を注意して捜して見た、それから又箱の内側をも注意して驗べて見た何も見付からない
40. But the figure remained gazing as wistsfully as before.
40. 然るに姿は前の如く悲しげに見つめてゐた
41. "What can she want?" thought the priest.
41. 「一体何が欲しいのだろう」と和尚は思つた
42. Suddenly it occurred to him that there might be something hidden under
the paper with which the drawers were lined.
42. 突然和尚は抽斗の裏張りがしてある紙の下に何か隠されてゐるかも知れぬと考へ付いた
43. He removed the lining of the first drawer: -- nothing!
43. 彼は第一の抽斗の裏張をめくつた、何も無い
44. He removed the lining of the second and third drawers: -- still nothing.
44. 彼は第二第三の抽斗の裏張を剥した、まだ何もない
45. But under the lining of the lowermost drawer he found -- a letter.
45. 然るに一番下の抽斗の裏張りの下に和尚が見付け出したのは…一封の手紙であつた
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