
16. The mother of O-Sono's husband said: "A woman is fond of her small things; and O-Sono was much attached to her belongings. Perhaps she has come back to look at them.

16. お園の夫の母が云ふ様「女と云ふものはつまらぬ物をも好むもので、お園も自分の物は大層心にかけてゐた、多分それを見に歸つてきたのだろう

17. Many dead persons will do that, -- unless the things be given to the parish-temple.

17. そう云ふ物は檀那寺へ進げて仕舞はぬとよく死んだ人が出て來るものだ

18. If we present O-Sono's robes and girdles to the temple, her spirit will probably find rest."

18. 若しお園の振袖や帯を寺へあげるなら亡魂も多分浮ばれるだろう」

19. It was agreed that this should be done as soon as possible.

19. では其事は出來るだけ早くせねばならぬと評議一決した

20. So on the following morning the drawers were emptied; and all of O-Sono's ornaments and dresses were taken to the temple.

20. そこで次の朝抽斗は空にされお園の装飾品や着物はスツカリお寺へ持つて行かれたのである

But she came back the next night, and looked at the tansu as before.


And she came back also on the night following, and the night after that, and every night; -- and the house became a house of fear.

22. そして彼は其次の夜にも矢張りやつて來た、そして其次の夜にも又其次の夜にも毎夜やつて來た、で其家は幽霊屋敷となつてしまつた

23. The mother of O-Sono's husband then went to the parish-temple, and told the chief priest all that had happened, and asked for ghostly counsel.

23. お園の夫の母はそれから培檀那寺へ行つて、あつた事をすべて和尚に物語り幽霊に就いての協議を求めた

24. The temple was a Zen temple; and the head-priest was a learned old man, known as Daigen Osho.

24. 其寺は禅宗寺であつた、そして和尚は大元和尚として知られてゐる學者の老僧であつた

25. He said: "There must be something about which she is anxious, in or near that tansu."

25. 彼の云ふ様「其箪笥の中か或は近くに何か女の心配に思ふ物があるに違ひない

26. "But we emptied all the drawers," replied the old woman; --" there is nothing in the tansu."

26. 「然し抽斗は皆空にしまして箪笥の中には何もありません」と老女が答へた

27. "Well," said Daigen Osho, "to-night I shall go to your house, and keep watch in that room, and see what can be done.

27. 大元和尚の云ふ様、「よろしい、それなら今夜私がお前の家へ行つて其室の中で見張を致し如何したらよいか一つ見てあげませう

28. You must give orders that no person shall enter the room while I am watching, unless I call."

28. 私が見張をしてゐる間は呼ばなかつたら誰も這入つてはならぬとよくお前から云ひ付けて貰はねばならん

29. After sundown, Daigen Osho went to the house, and found the room made ready for him.

29. 日が暮れて後大元和尚が其家へ出掛けて行くと例の室は彼を迎へる様に要意が出來てゐた

30. He remained there alone, reading the sutras; and nothing appeared until after the Hour of the Rat.

30. 和尚はお経を讀み乍らネの刻迄唯一人で其處にゐたが何も出なかつた

前頁 | 目次 | 次頁
