46. "Is this the thing about which you have been troubled?" he
46. 「是がお前の心を悩した物だろうな」と和尚が尋ねた
47. The shadow of the woman turned toward him, -- her faint gaze fixed
upon the letter.
47. 女の影はかれの方へふりむいて、かすかな目付きは、じつと手紙にそゝいだので在る
48. "Shall I burn it for you?" he asked. She bowed before him.
48. 「わしがお前の爲めに焼いて上げようか」と和尚が尋ねた、女は彼の前にうなづいた
49. "It shall be burned in the temple this very morning," he
promised; -- "and no one shall read it, except myself."
49. 「手紙は今朝きつと寺で焼てしまはふ、そしてわしの外だれにも決して讀ますまい」と和尚が約束をした
50. The figure smiled and vanished.
50. 女の姿はにこにこと笑うて消えてしまつた
51. Dawn was breaking as the priest descended the stairs, to find the family
waiting anxiously below.
51. 和尚が階段を下りた時には夜が明けかゝつて居つた、そして家族の者が下で心配しながら待つて居るのを認めた
52. "Do not be anxious," he said to them: "she will not
appear again." And she never did.
52. 和尚は彼等に向つて云ふ様「心配しなさるな二度と女は顕はれますまい」其の通り女は決して顕はれなかつた
53. The letter was burned. It was a love-letter written to O-Sono in the
time of her studies at Kyoto.
53. 手紙は焼かれた、夫れは京都に於て勉學のをりお園によこした戀手紙であつた
54. But the priest alone knew what was in it; and the secret died with
54. 然し其中に何が書いて在つたか知る者は只だ和尚一人であつた、そして其秘密は和尚が死ぬと共に葬られてしまつた。
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