
(原文ハ“死したる秘密”即A DEAD SECRETト云フ)
1. A long time ago, in the province of Tamba there lived a rich merchant
named Inamuraya Gensuke.
1. 昔丹波の國に稲村屋源助と云ふ富祐の商人が住んで居た
2. He had a daughter called O-Sono.
2. 此人にはお園といふ娘があつた
3. As she was very clever and pretty, he thought it would be a pity to
let her grow up with only such teaching as the country-teachers could give
3. お園は非常に賢く且つ美しくあつたから田舎の師匠が教へる様な學問だけで成長さすのは残念な事だと主人は思つた
4. So he sent her in care of some trusty attendants, to Kyoto, that she
might be trained in the polite accomplishments taught to the ladies of
the capital.
4. そこで彼は都の娘たちの教はる女のたしなみをばお園にも仕込んで貰ふために堅い附添の者に世話を頼んで京都へ遣る事にした
5. After she had thus been educated, she was married to a friend of her
father's family -- a merchant named Nagaraya.
5. かくして教育を受けた後お園は父の在所の知巳へ嫁入りをする事となつたその知巳と云ふのは即ち長良屋と云ふ商人であつた
6. And she lived happily with him for nearly four years.
6. そしてお園は凡そ四年の間夫と共に楽しく暮して行つたのである
7. They had one child, -- a boy.
7. 二人の間には一人の男の子があつた
8. But O-Sono fell ill and died, in the fourth year after her marriage.
8. 然しお園が結婚して四年目に病気付いて死んでしまつた
9. On the night after the funeral of O-Sono, her little son said that his
mamma had come back, and was in the room upstairs. She had smiled at him,
but would not talk to him: so he became afraid, and ran away.
9. お園の葬式の済んだ夜、男の子は、母さんが歸つてきて二階に居て自分を見てニコリと笑つたが言葉は懸けなんだ、で恐くなつて逃げてきたと云つた
10. Then some of die family went upstairs to the room which had been O-Sono's.
10. そこで家の者がお園の物としてあつた二階の室へ行つて見た
11. And they were startled to see, by the light of a small lamp which had
been kindled before a shrine in that room, the figure of the dead mother.
11. すると其室の中にある佛壇の前に点してあつた燈明の光で、死んだおっ母さんの姿が見えたので皆びつくりした
12. She appeared as if standing in front of a tansu, or chest of drawers,
that still contained her ornaments and her wearing-apparel.
12. 女は自分の飾りや着物の這入つてゐる、箪笥(即ち引出の箱)の前に立つてゐる様に見江た
13. Her head and shoulders could be very distinctly seen; but from the
waist downwards the figure thinned into invisibility.
13. 其頭と肩は極めて明かに見えたけれども腰から下の方は姿が瘠せて見えない様になつて居た
14. It was like an imperfect reflection of her, and transparent as a shadow
on water.
14. それは丁度お園の不完全な影のやうで、水面に映つた影の如く透き通つてゐた
15. Then the folk were afraid, and left the room. Below they consulted
15. そこで家族の者は恐れて其室を逃げ出て下で一所に協議した
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