


1. There was a falconer and hunter, named Sonjo, who lived in the district called Tamurano-Go, of the province of Mutsu.

1. 陸奥の國、田村の郷と呼ばるゝ地方に住んで居た孫庄と云ふ名の猟師があって鷹使をも爲て居った

2. One day he went out hunting, and could not find any game.

2. 或る日猟に出て行ったが、少しも獲物が見付からなかった

3. But on his way home, at a place called Akanuma, he perceived a pair of oshidori (mandarin-ducks), swimming together in a river that he was about to cross.

3. 然し宅へ歸る途中、赤沼と云ふ所に於て彼が渡らうとして居た川の中で、一所に泳いで居る一番の鴛鴦を見付けた

4. To kill oshidori is not good; but Sonjo happened to be very hungry, and he shot at the pair.

4. 鴛鴦を殺すのはよくない事だが、孫庄は折しも非常に飢えて居たので此番を射ったのである

5. His arrow pierced the male: the female escaped into the rushes of the further shore, and disappeared.

5. 矢は雄を貫いた、雌は向ふの汀にある蘆の中に逃げ込んで見えなくなってしまった

6. Sonjo took the dead bird home, and cooked it.

6. 孫庄は死んだ鳥を家へ持って來て料理したのである

7. That night he dreamed a dreary dream.

7. 其夜彼は恐しい夢を見た

8. It seemed to him that a beautiful woman came into his room, and stood by his pillow, and began to weep.

8. 其夢の様子では美くしい女が室の中へ這入ってきて、枕の傍に立って泣きだしたのである

9. So bitterly did she weep that Sonjo felt as if his heart were being torn out while he listened.

9. で、女があまり烈しく泣いたので、是を聴くと孫庄は心も刳り出さるゝ様な気がしたのである

10. And the woman cried to him: "Why, -- oh! why did you kill him? -- of what wrong was he guilty.?

10. すると女は彼に向って叫ぶ様、「なぜ、マア、なぜ、あなたは彼を殺したのです、如何な悪い事で彼に咎があったのですか

11. At Akanuma we were so happy together, -- and you killed him.!

11. 赤沼で私たちは誠に楽しく一所に住んで居りました、それをあなたが殺すとは!

12. What harm did he ever do you?

12. 今迄に彼はあなたに對して如何な害を致しましたか

13. Do you even know what you have done.?

13. あなたは自分でなさた事を御存知で御座りますか

14. Oh! do you know what a cruel, what a wicked thing you have done.?

14. ほんとに、あなたは、何といふ、マア残酷な悪い事をなさったのか、それを御存知で御座りますか

15. Me too you have killed, -- for I will not live without my husband.!

15. 「私は夫を失て、一人生き長らへる心はありませぬから、あなたは私をも御殺しなさたので御座ります

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